Inspired Homes made the building process easy and efficient. They maintained good communication and flexibility throughout the entire building process. Above all, I couldn't be happier with the quality of construction we have in our new home.
Money magazine ranked Lee’s Summit, Mo. as one of the “100 Best Cities to Live In in the United States” — and for good reason. Just 20 minutes from the heart of Kansas City, Lee’s Summit balances small town charm with a thriving downtown home to shops, services, restaurants, bars and entertainment. Residents have no problem enjoying Lee’s Summit’s picturesque terrain and scenery, thanks to a sizable concentration of parks, nature areas and playgrounds. In the middle of the landlocked Midwest, Lee’s Summit offers plenty of opportunities to get out and enjoy the water. Among the city’s most popular lakes is the sprawling Longview Lake, a favorite regional destination for activities ranging from jet skiing and boating to fishing and swimming. Families love Lee’s Summit for a variety of reasons, including award-winning schools that give students a vibrant, interactive environment in which to expand their knowledge and explore their interests.
Inspired Homes made the building process easy and efficient. They maintained good communication and flexibility throughout the entire building process. Above all, I couldn't be happier with the quality of construction we have in our new home.